Irving Park Fine Arts Committee Presents Amy Briggs and Andrew McCann

Sponsor: Irving Park Fine Arts Committee
April 25, 2010
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Pianist Amy Briggs and violinist Andrew McCann will perform on Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. at the Irving Park Lutheran Church, 4100 N. Harding Ave., Chicago. The program will include works by Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Schumann and John Addams. Amy Briggs has established herself as a leading interpreter of the music of living composers, while also bringing a fresh perspective to music of the past. Based in Chicago, she is a featured soloist and chamber musician on the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s MusicNOW series. She was recently appointed Director of Chamber Music and Lecturer in Music at the University of Chicago. Andrew McCann teaches the Alexander Technique in Andersonville and Hyde Park. He performs in a duo with Grammy-award winning eighth blackbird violinist Matt Albert. Mr. McCann is a performing member and Development Director of the New Millennium Orchestra of Chicago. Ms. Briggs and Mr. McCann performed to great acclaim in the 2009 concert series. In addition, the Virginia McBroom Sekenske Scholarship, sponsored by the Irving Park Historical Society, will be awarded at the April 25th concert. The scholarship is named for a patroness of the Fine Arts concert series and honors a deserving Schurz High School music student, who will also perform. Admission to the concert is free of charge, though a free will offering may be made. An informal reception with the performers follows the concert. The Irving Park Fine Arts Series, now in its 16th season, was begun by Roger L. Bingaman, Director of Music at Irving Park Lutheran Church. The intent of the series is to bring high quality, professional musical and theatrical events to the Irving Park neighborhood. For more information, contact Roger Bingaman at 773.267.1666, or